Opting in to the community dice library & EULA updates

Owing to feedback we have received from the community, we at dddice have decided to make a change to our community dice library. We will be making inclusion of dice in the library an explicitly opt-in feature.
As we have begun to monetize the service, we want to make sure that everyone who has dice included in the community library understands and agrees to let us use their creations in this way. In support of this, we have added a paragraph to section 11 of our end user license agreement to be more explicit on this point. Please do review that before you add your dice to the community library.
We will be changing the dice creation process to have dice hidden from the library by default, and include a button to add your dice to the library.
For now, only Patreon supporters will be able to list their dice in the library. Everyone will still be able to share dice they have created with their friends directly – either though share links or via GMs sharing their dice tray. All dice currently in the library will be removed, and if you want them added back, you will need to go through and re-add them.
We value your feedback so keep it coming either via, our Discord, or our contact from.